[TEEN]RealityKings – Kali Roses Handy Fuck TeensLoveHugeCocks


Kali Roses, Sean Lawless
Teens Love Huge Cocks
Kali is finally home alone and allowed to spend a little bit of “personal time” with herself. She lays in bed, browsing some adult entertainment as her hand wanders beneath her white outfit to find a perfectly shaved pussy aching to be caressed. Just as she’s about to really let herself go, her father calls with an important reminder; the handyman is stopping by to fix a few things, let him in, would you? Fine. Whatever. Kali lets Sean in and shows him the broken fixtures. She’s about to head back to her room in frustration when she watches him climb up his ladder, coming face-to-face with the large bulge in his pants! Kali returns to her room, dripping wet, as she starts to fuck herself as she imagines a huge cock pounding into her tight teen slit. As her moans grow louder, Sean curiously peeks in… Maybe the teen wants him to lay some pipe instead of fixing the lights?





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